Building Your Salad During National Salad Week

Today kicks off National Salad Week! Some people think salads can get boring, but they don’t have to be!  I love salads because the combinations are endless – you can cover all the food groups by eating a complete salad. There are also so many different ways you can prepare a salad.  Salads can be made with all your favorite fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and even meats!


Now that you know salads don’t have to be boring, you may be asking yourself how you can achieve that… Luckily I am here to help! Take a look at my Salad Guide below to help you create a fun, exciting salad that you can continue to switch up!


Guide to Creating a Salad:


Step 1: Pick Your Base


This is the first part of your salad. Depending on your portion and hunger level, typically begin with 1 cup of leafy greens. This can consist of Arugula, Romaine, Spinach, Bok Choy, Kale, or any leafy green lettuce.  These vegetables are nutrient-dense and offer you a variety of flavors and textures.


Step 2: Add Vegetables and/or Fruit


This is where you get creative with your salad. Combine a mixture of your favorite vegetables or fruits. You can even combine the two! Fruits add a hint of sweetness, and some of my favorites to add are apples, cranberriesand mandarins.Vegetables add more crunch and fiber, some of my favorites to add are carrots, peppers, onions, cucumbers, cooked Brussels sprouts and many others!


Step 3: Incorporate Protein


Salads can become a complete meal by adding proteins such as chicken, fish, tofu or tempeh.  These proteins will not overpower your vegetables and fruits, but will add more taste!  You can also add edamame, chickpeas, black beans and other nuts and seeds for other protein options.


Step 4: Dress Your Salad


Now it’s time to dress your salad. You can make your own dressing or buy premade dressings. If you’re buying your salad dressing, opt for low-fat, low sodium dressings.  Or keep it simple and just add a little bit of balsamic vinaigrette or olive oil.



Salad Recipes


Looking for an already perfected salad recipe? Check out some of my personal favorite salad recipes below for some inspiration, but don’t be afraid to get creative on your own!



 Remember you can always adjust a salad to your liking. Try different combinations to find your favorite! Keep in mind to always wash your produce and store salad at the proper temperature.


Your Turn to Take Action:Do you have a favorite salad combination? During National Salad Week, challenge yourself to try a salad combination you never had before. Let us know your favorite combo in the comment section below.


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