Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

March is National Nutrition Month

  Every year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics designates the month of March as National Nutrition Month. This honorary month was established to educate and celebrate the benefits of making healthy choices. Of course if it were up to me, every month would be National Nutrition Month. But hopefully you’ll find ways to take…

The Golden Garlic

If you have ever cooked with garlic before you’re probably familiar with its potent aroma and the way it carries on your hands and clothes for hours. And though the most delicious meals are cooked in garlic, as soon as you eat it, no amount of chewing gum or mouthwash can really take away that…

March Monthly Morsels

The Superfood, Spinach It seems that your mother may have been on to something when she told you to “eat your spinach” for dinner! Spinach is bursting with healthful properties including being an excellent source of a slew of vitamins and minerals. This delicate green is high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron,…

Wilted Spinach Salad with Strawberries, Dates and Macadamia Nuts

If you have been following my recipe posts for a while, you probably figured out by now that I love balancing different flavors and textures to blend together into one harmonious dish. This spinach salad is true to that theme. The sweetness of the dates and the strawberries blend beautifully with the slight bitterness of the spinach and the saltiness of the nuts. Because the dressing is warm when poured over the spinach, it slightly wilts the leaves, taking away their slightly raw and bitter taste. All the while keeping it fresh and crunchy with all of the nutrients intact.

Spinach Stuffed Twice Baked Sweet Potato

This dish is an explosion of antioxidants and nutrients from both the orange carotenoids in the sweet potato and the green chlorophyll in the spinach. The spinach and sweet potato complement each other beautifully in this dish that makes a wonderfully cozy side dish or appetizer.

What to Do with Your Leap Day

Hi everyone! My name is Jackie LiPera and I’m a dietetic graduate student on Long Island. I work alongside Bonnie to develop wonderful nutrition-driven ideas and resources for you guys. I wrote this blog to give you some ideas on what you can do with your extra day this leap year.   We all have…

Have an Oat-tastic Day

Even though oatmeal has been around forever, it seems like people are finally sparking interest over this old breakfast. Overnight oats, steel cut oats, oatmeal granola bars, and oatmeal energy bites- the options are boundless! So why this sudden revival in one of America’s oldest breakfasts? People are rediscovering all of the wonderful benefits of…

Persimmon? Isn’t that a Tomato?

Persimmon? Isn’t that a tomato? Many of us think that winter seasons means there’s a limited fruit selection; however, the truth is that there is plenty of variety on the market of winter fruit. One fruit that is currently in season is the persimmon.   The persimmon is a red/orange fruit that resembles a tomato…

Cancer Awareness is Key

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2016 there are estimated to be 1,685,210 newly diagnosed cases. The enormity of this disease is partly due to the fact that there are so many varieties of cancer out there. It does not discriminate…

I’m Going Bananas

I often hear people saying that they try to avoid bananas when they are trying to lose weight because they are higher in calories and sugar as compared to other fruits.   I have to say that that is just bananas!   These delicious yellow fruits have so many health benefits and, like most other…

Beat The Sweets This Valentine’s Day

Just one short week after the Super Bowl and there is yet another food-focused occasion being celebrated in the United States. Valentine’s Day is one of those days you either love or you hate. But despite your feelings towards this consumer-driven holiday, there is no question that you will encounter a slew of sugar packed…

I’m Mad for Mandarins

Mandarins, tangerines, satsumas- did you know all of these names are referring to the same citrus fruit many of us have come to know and love? Did you also know that this is the perfect time of year to buy these delicious little orange fruits?   Tangerines are often preferred over the orange because they…

How to Stay Healthy During Super Bowl Weekend

  It’s only February and already another food frenzied “holiday” is just around the corner. This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday and whether you’re rooting for the Denver Broncos or the Carolina Panthers, you know that there will be a slew of not-so-healthy foods and snacks galore. Super Bowl Sunday is synonymous with plenty of…

The Amazing Almond

Guest post by Charna Sheinfeld, Nutrition Intern   They are one of the seemingly contradictory foods because they high in fat but extremely good for our health. What am I referring to? Almonds of course! Now that I am a nursing mother, I not only think about my own health, but I also need to…

Baked Pears with Toasted Almonds and Cranberries

This is an extremely easy dessert to assemble. The crunchiness of the toasted almonds, chewiness of the dried cranberries, and the softness of the baked pear are a perfect marriage of textures and flavors. A cozy dish for the winter months.

Almond Crusted Honey Mustard Salmon

This is a really simple recipe that makes for a great healthy dish to use for a special occasion. The slightly sweet honey mustard drizzle along with toasted ground almonds really takes a plain piece of salmon to the next level.

Celebrate American Heart Month with Heart Health Foods

Heart to Heart   Did you know that February is American Heart Month? This month is dedicated to help reduce that amount of lives taken each year due to heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans, accounting for roughly 1 in every 3rd death. In order…

Celebrate Healthy Weight Week

Healthy Weight Week was celebrated the week of January 18th through the 22nd. I know it’s now January 31st, and I’m a bit late with this, but I had some website issues and the blog never posted. So, because this week is so important, I decided to post the blog today that was supposed to…

Let’s Get Cracking

  A favorite mid-afternoon snack for many is a handful of pistachios. And with National Pistachio Day is coming up on the 26th, I figured I’d give you all the facts about this little green nut or should I say kernel. That’s right, the pistachio isn’t a nut, it’s actually a seed. The pistachio is…

More Tea Please

With snow just around the corner, there is no better feeling than curling up by the fire with a warm cup of tea. That’s probably the reason why January is National Hot Tea Month. It’s only appropriate to celebrate the most popular beverage in the world. Nearly 3 billion cups of tea are consumed daily…

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