Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

The Rush for the French Fries

Were you ever eating with another person, or group of people, and found that you were eating so quickly for fear there wouldn’t be more food available if you wanted another portion?   Yesterday, my daughter Lauren spent the day with her friends. She has another few days before camp begins and they decided to…

Poppin’ Papayas

What better way to celebrate the beginning of summer than with National Papaya Month!   Papayas are easily the most underrated food; it’s not every day you add this tropical plant to your fruit bowl. Unbeknownst to most, papayas are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that combat a countless number of diseases. Not to mention,…

Let’s Have a Summer Tea Party!

Ahh, there’s nothing as refreshing as a cool glass of iced tea on a hot summer day. With the start of summer upon us and this being National Iced Tea Month, we know that there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy this perfect summer beverage.   Tea is a great alternative to water that…

Resources and Support for Yo-Yo Dieters and Emotional Eaters

How do you feel about seeking help for things that aren’t always going so right in your life?   Whether it be relationship tension, marital problems, school issues, work-related problems, do you suffer alone and try to figure it out by yourself, or do you seek the guidance of a professional who can be objective…

Listen Up, Men! This Week is For You!

It’s National Men’s Health Week! Time to really zone in on your health and make some lifestyle changes. This week started in 1994, which is celebrated in countries all over the world, and is meant to bring about awareness for men’s health and steps that can be taken to improve overall health. Small steps everyday…

Fruits and Veggies…3 Strikes You’re Out!

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!   Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables?   In my practice, I come across a lot of adults who don’t like and therefore don’t eat fruits and vegetables. This is often due to the fact that they were not served these wonderfully healthy foods as a…

Diet Chatter at the Hair Salon

It’s interesting the conversations you overhear in the hair salon!   Yesterday, I was at the salon getting my hair done. As I was sitting minding my own business reading some notes in preparation for an interview later in the day (as a side note, I was interviewed for a telesummit, more on that in…

Got Dairy?

Happy National Diary Month! Do you remember those Got Milk? Ads that were popular in the 90’s? Those advertisements were published with the intent of promoting the consumption of cow’s milk so that production in California would increase. These ads were on the right track to encouraging the consumption of milk. I am here today…

Take a Hike!

Tomorrow is National Trails Day, a day created in 1992 by The American Hiking Society. The purpose of this day is for people to go out and explore the various trails in their state. There are hundreds of trails throughout the United States that don’t get the attention they deserve!   Hiking is a great…

Eating Intuitively While at Summer Camp

I work with both adults and children in my private practice. Most of my posts are geared towards adults, but today’s post will be focused on kids.   Obesity in kids is on the rise. This, I know, is not news to you. During the school year kids spend an awful lot of time in…

June Monthly Morsels

“Pass the Peas, Please!” By Charna Sheinfeld,  Nutrition Intern When you think of green peas, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Does it stir up those childhood memories of being “force fed” these small green spheres along with their little orange carrot counterparts?   When cooked well and paired with the right foods,…

Crust-less Quiche Muffins with Peas, Leeks, and Ricotta

These muffins can be made in advance and used in the morning as a “grab and go” option. It’s almost like having a fresh omelet in the morning without the extra cooking time. I love how the peas add color and sweetness to give these quiche muffins a whole new dimension.

Warm Brown Rice Salad with Peas, Sundried Tomatoes, and Mint

Pairing peas with brown rice is a great way to create a complete protein. This is because brown rice is high in the amino acids cysteine and methionine but low in lysine. Peas, on the other hand, contain a high lysine content but are low in cysteine and methionine. This makes peas and rice complementary proteins and when paired together they offer an excellent amino acid profile that is equivalent to eggs or dairy.
Mint is often added to dishes containing peas because it boosts the natural sweet flavors that the peas offer to the dish. The sundried tomatoes add a satisfying tartness to balance the salad. Enjoy!

Here’s a little Hint to Help You Buy More Produce

Time after time, you hear the recommendation to eat more vegetables and fruits. I’m sure you have also heard, and maybe used, a slew of excuses as to why this recommendation isn’t realistic. “It’s too hard” “It’s too time consuming” “It’s too expensive”   I know I have heard these “reasons” a thousand times. Apparently,…

Choosing Your Iced Beverage: What to Consider

Are you a coffee drinker? Hot, iced, latte, cappuccino? Or do you go for those dessert-type beverages like the Frappuccino?   If you like the more decadent specialty drinks, you probably are aware that they come with some “extras”, such as a hefty amount of calories and fat grams.   If this is you, you’ll…

I Have Nothing to Wear!

You are standing in front of your closet and have no idea what to put on to wear today. You think “nothing will look good on me”. You reluctantly take out a pair of pants and a shirt and put it on. You look in the mirror and immediately rip these clothes right off your…

Celebrating Memorial Day and National Brown Bag It Day!

The Memorial Day Holiday is meant to celebrate the lives lost from the armed forces; people who gave their life for the freedom and liberty of this country. Let’s salute them!   This long weekend is always a tough one for many chronic dieters. So many parties, so much food, it never ends! And who…

Give Your Salad a Makeover

May is National Salad Month and while this may not excite many people, I am a huge salad fan, especially this month. I feel like this year the weather went from snow days to beach days practically overnight. During these warm days I notice my appetite changes my body wants more cold dishes than hot…

Celiac Disease: A Trend or a Disorder?

“Gluten-free” foods may just seem like a whole new fad and the coolest new food trend to follow, but for some people gluten-free is a non-negotiable lifestyle.   This month we celebrate Celiac Awareness Month. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to…

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