Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Meredith’s Success Story

  Summer may be winding down and so is our Summer Success Series!  But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, because we still have two more weeks until school starts, and two more success stories to bring you!  Today’s story comes from Meredith*.   Meredith is married and works at a bank in…

Getting the Kids Involved in Nutrition!

What can be better than changing the way you eat and live your life to become healthier? Passing what you’ve learned on to someone else to change theirs! Teaching your children early on about healthy eating and nutrition can be the most influential because they haven’t been exposed to the incredible amount of misinformation that…

Susan’s Success Story

It is the middle of the week and I know nothing gets you through like a little dose of inspiration.  Our success is brought to us this week by Susan*.  She was a stay at home mom for about 15 years to her now 21 and 26 year old children.  She now works with preschoolers,…

Summer Olympics 2012 Wrap-Up

  For the past two weeks we have had the pleasure of watching the best athletes the United States has to offer compete in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.  Hopefully watching the dedication these athletes demonstrated in their sport, has inspired you to dedicate yourself to making healthy changes in your eating habits!  Our…

Start Your Day a Fun New Breakfast Way

Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day for Americans.  However, many people feel they don’t have the time to fit in a meal because they are rushing to go to work or school in the morning.  Every excuse to eating a nutritious breakfast has a solution!  Do not let the…

Cheryl’s Success Story

  Welcome back to another Wednesday full of inspiration and success!  This week we are going on a journey with Cheryl*, a lactation consultant, married for 30 years and mother of five children who range in ages from 17-26 years old.   One of the interesting things about Cheryl that I believe our readers will…

National Apple Week

This week we are celebrating an American staple: the apple! While most people have heard the old idiom “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, many people may not understand the meaning behind this. Apples provide health benefits from the numerous nutrients within them to help keep us from getting sick and staying in…

To Your Health: August 2012

In this Issue: What Does Organic Mean? Organic vs Non-Organic – Myths and Facts Benefits of Buying Organic What to Buy News and Events Recipe of the Month: Slow and Easy Ratatouille Quote of the Month A Note from Bonnie Today there is an abundance of information regarding the cost benefit of organic versus conventionally…

Healthy Ways to De-Stress

Summer is a time for relaxation; however stress can still sneak up on us despite the sunny season.  Unfortunately food is sometimes a crutch a lot of people use for handling stress.  Usually using food to deal with anxiety adds up to even more anxiety from unwanted weight gain, or low self-esteem due to uncontrolled…

Catrina’s Success Story

  Time for our first success story in August!  This comes from Catrina*, a retired office manager and speech therapist, as well as mother of two, and grandmother of 5, soon to be 6 grandchildren.When Catrina came to Bonnie, her weight and her A1C were troubling her.  Both of her parents had a history of…

How to Get Inspired—Tips to Staying Motivated to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Inspiration drives motivation. There are many ways you can become inspired so that you are motivated to do more than you ever thought was possible. Some things require absolutely no effort at all. Others, will be worth your while. Turn your stress into positive energy: Stress occurs in the body naturally.  Learn how to transform…

Summer Exercise Safety

Summers are hot and humid and people don’t always feel the urge to exercise when it’s so hot.  But you don’t have to let heat stop you from enjoying a fun day in the sun, especially when there are so many great ways to exercise outside during the summer!  Swimming is one of the best…

Cassandra’s Success Story

Summer is flying by but no worries!  We have more success coming your way. This week we highlight the success of Cassandra*.  Cassandra is a music teacher who has been married for 30 years, and has two children; a 27 year old daughter and a 23 year old son.  She struggled with being overweight her…

Easy Ways to Get Your Family Aboard the Whole Grain Train!

Choo! Choo! There’s a new train in town, and it’s express to healthy-town! This train is the whole grain train, and it is ready for you and your family to step aboard! To understand what a whole grain is, you must first understand the anatomy of a grain itself. A whole grain consists of 3…

Nancy’s Success Story

It’s Wednesday and that means another dose of success from all of us here at BRG Dietetics and Nutrition, P.C.!  This week Nancy*, a teacher and mother of six (3 boys and 3 girls!) shares her success story with us.  Nancy was struggling for years with short term weight loss success.  Feeling as if she…

You’ll Be Itchin’ to Get in Your Kitchen! Part II

Welcome back to your crash course in kitchen basics!  Now that you have your immersion blender and sauté pan ready, you need something to cook! Key Ingredients: There are a few “must-have” ingredients to stock your kitchen with in order to create easy, delicious and healthy meals. Nonstick cooking spray:  An easy and calorie-free way…

Switch it up French Style!

On July 14th, we celebrate “Bastille Day” which is France’s Independence Day!  If you can’t make it to France to celebrate with the French, going out to a French restaurant is always an option, or celebrate their culture by practicing some of their healthy habits. The French are very good at enjoying things in moderation. …

Little Seeds Pack a Nutritional Punch

Healthy and delicious!  Seeds are rich in fiber, antioxidants and essential fatty acids.  Here’s a run-down of 5 of the top healthiest seeds to boost your nutrition intake. 1. Flax Seeds:  Not a fish eater? No worries.  Many vegetarians and those people who do not eat fish can get some of their omega-3 fatty acids…

Denise’s Success Story

This week we bring you the success story of Denise*.  Denise is a former accountant, who is now a homemaker with four children.  When she started working with Bonnie, she was not happy with herself and was very discouraged.  Denise overate starches like pastas and breads, and was having difficulty with eating too much late…

To Your Health: July 2012

In this issue: Par-tay the Healthy Way! Healthy Snacks/Beverages to Cool You Down this Summer! Make Exercise a Splash! Blueberries for Better Health News and Events Recipe of the Month:  Feta Cheese Watermelon Salad Quote of the Month A Note from Bonnie I know you have been working hard through the winter months making positive…

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