Countdown to Passover: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes
If you are like me, you can’t believe that Passover is in only 18 days!!! The cleaning has started, but have you thought about making up your menus and shopping list? I started the countdown to Passover on March 9th, thirty days before Passover begins. Over the next two weeks, I will share with you my 30 tips in 30 days that I have been posting daily on my Passover Facebook page
TIP # 30: Create a master computerized shopping list! Write your shopping list containing everything you will need for Passover and input it in the computer. Print and place it on your refrigerator so you can add items as you make up your menus. Then, take the list with you when you go shopping, and check off the items as you put them in your shopping cart. Being organized can help you avoid purchasing double items and reduce the holiday stress of making multiple trips to the supermarket! Once Passover is over, do an inventory of your leftovers and adjust your shopping list in the computer for next year. For example, if you bought six boxes of matzo meal and had two left over, change the purchase amount in the computer to four boxes for next year.
TIP # 29: Reduce the calories and fat in your dairy recipes such as matzoh lasagna and matzoh pizza by using fat-free or 1% milk, cheese and dairy products in place of whole milk or 2% milk. Remember, 2% milk is not low fat, it is reduced fat. Low fat means that a serving of that product has no more than 3 grams of fat.
TIP # 28: It’s never too early! Preparing for Passover can be exhausting, but not if you plan ahead. Make a “to do” list with tasks assigned to specific dates so you know that you will get everything done on time. If it is written into your schedule, it is harder to brush it off. You can also photocopy from a calendar the month before Passover, and write directly onto the calendar what you will do on each day!
TIP # 27: Start early! Purchase shelf stable food items in advance before supermarkets raise prices. Buying items early will guarantee to save you money and help you avoid crowded supermarkets lines!
TIP # 26: Want to enjoy all your favorite Passover foods without the excess calories? Can’t go through Passover with eating Matzoh Brei? Now you can have it without any guilt! A traditional Matzoh Brei recipe has about 384 calories, 18 grams of fat, 423 mg of cholesterol and 275 mg of sodium. Passover the Healthy Way’s Matzoh Brei recipe will SAVE you about 185 calories, 10 grams of fat, 283 milligrams of cholesterol and 230 milligrams of sodium!!! Make the healthy switch today by purchasing Passover the Healthy Way Cookbook at ! FREE gift with your purchase!
TIP # 25: Have you started your Passover shopping yet? Made your Passover menu yet? The freezer is your friend! Make a list of ingredients you will need for Passover now and during your regular trips to the supermarket, pick up these ingredients and freeze it until it is time to use for Passover.
TIP # 24: Passover recipes traditionally call for a lot of eggs. This year, replace the eggs in the recipe with egg whites. Two egg whites = 1 whole egg. If a recipe calls for 2 whole eggs, use one egg and 2 egg whites. Your recipe calls for 6 eggs, use 3 eggs and 6 egg whites. You will go through quite a few dozen eggs, but it’s sure worth cutting down on the fat and cholesterol in your Passover dishes!
TIP # 23: The kids love searching for the afikomen and then hiding it for negotiation time! Have them make a special afikomen bag to use at the seder! Check out this link to learn how!
TIP # 22: We all love a little sweet for dessert. But that chocolate cake recipe you make calls for 12 eggs and loads of oil and sugar. Worst yet, if you buy it pre-made, you are also getting trans-fat! Well, Passover the Healthy Way is here to save the day. Check out our Scrumptious Chocolate Cake recipe with only 120 calories and 4 grams of fat per serving. What are you waiting for? Order your copy today at!
TIP # 21: KISS – Keep It Simple Silly! It is already impressive in itself that you have taken on the responsibility of preparing the Seder; there is no need to pick the most complicated dishes. A simple recipe done well is better than a complicated one you really do not have time to execute.
Passover the Healthy Way’s popularity is burning up! Receive a FREE potholder with your purchase of the cookbook online at supplies last).
And there’s more… receive a FREE downloadable Passover Activity Book with your purchase. Great to keep the kids busy as you prepare for Passover. Adults will like it too!
Watch our next post for a delicious Passover recipe from Passover the Healthy Way!

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