Increased Screen Time Leads to Binge Eating in Young Children
Have you been concerned with the recent increase in your child’s use of their phone and computer in their everyday life? Well, you are not alone.
Virtual work and online learning have become a major part of adolescent life. While screen time has been beneficial to school-aged children and for providing a platform for socialization and education, there may be a reason for concern over excessive screen time among children.
A recent research study found time spent on screens while children are not learning has led to binge eating. The study consisting of children ages 9-10 years old found that additional hours spent on social media and television led to a higher risk of binge eating. They hypothesized that the binge eating could be due to distracted intake as well as an increase in exposure to food advertisements.
You may find it interesting to know that binge eating is the most common eating disorder in the United States. It is described as the consumption of excessive amounts of food in a short period to the point of discomfort. Among children and teens, binge eating may not be immediately obvious however, it is important to look out for signs that your child is overconsuming everyday foods.
Signs to Look for In Children:
– Excessive number of wrappers and containers in the bedroom or work area
– Fear of eating in public with others
– Stealing or hiding food
– Disrupted eating behaviors
– Feelings of low self-esteem
Keeping Kids Busy Without the Screen
The use of social media and television can be a part of children’s lives however, it is important parents take steps to limit screen time beyond educational use. Check out some tips below to reduce excessive screen time in your child’s life.
- Create Screen Time Rules- Set out a time to shut off phones, tv, and other social media tools before bedtime. Limit screen time to 1-2 hours a day of non -schoolwork.
- Keep screens out of bedrooms- Before bed, have your child plug in all phones and tablets outside their room.
- Communicate- Teach children the difference between screen time for school and fun.
- Create non-screen activities- Utilize the time children don’t have to spend online for virtual learning to play outside or try new activities at home like cooking, baking, or craft activities.
A Safe Space to Eat
A major problem with eating in front of a screen, not only for children but adults too, is that you become focused on the screen rather than your food. It becomes way too easy to become wrapped up in whatever you are doing on the screen and ignore your body’s hunger and fullness signals. Before you know it, all the food in front of you is gone and you don’t even remember eating it. That is why it is important to set up the right environment for enjoying your food. Here are a few things that you can do:
- Turn off the screen: This doesn’t just mean only the television, but your phone too. Turn it off or silence it just until you are finished eating.
- Sit down at a table: When you are rushing around and eating on the go, you are not focusing on your body and its internal cues. Take a seat and make time for your meal.
- Eat meals together: Children will model their eating behavior off what they observe. When you eat together as a family you can model healthy eating behaviors that your children can adopt.
- Create a positive environment: Try not to air out all your grievances at the family dinner table. Try to keep the table an open and positive place where everyone feels comfortable.
The important takeaway is while screen time has become a big part of your children’s lives, they can ultimately benefit from less screen time beyond the time used for learning. Communication is a big part of being able to reduce screen time and reduce the risk of binge eating.
Want Help RIGHT NOW?
Purchase my e-book “3 Steps to Raising a Mindful Eater.”
Are You Worried Your Kids Are Going to Become Emotional Eaters? Get the 3 Step Formula to Help Your Kids Create a Healthy Relationship with Food!
- Discover how to tell if your child is becoming an emotional eater!
- Learn the top 3 mindful eating strategies for kids.
- Learn the #1 way to help your kids create healthy eating habits.
Your Turn to Take Action: What screen-free activities are you going to try as a family? Let me know in the comments below.

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