It’s a Beautiful Day to Get Moving in May
It’s a known fact that American’s lead very busy lives. We are always on the go, and if it’s not on the schedule, then it’s likely we will not be able to make time for it. That’s why it’s so important to make exercise part of your daily routine; that way you won’t put it off. The thing is, exercise does not have to be a hassle! Here are some “no gym membership required” ways to get moving this May!
Create a gym at home: Now this does not mean going out and spending a lot of money on expensive equipment. There are a lot of inexpensive exercise equipment that you can purchase that will whittle your middle in no time. One of the best at home pieces of equipment you can own is a jump rope. Jumping rope burns major calories in a short amount of time, which is great for busy lives. It is also an all-over body toner, working arms, legs, and core in the jumping motion. If jumping rope is a little too intense, invest in a stability ball (most department stores sell them for under $30.00). A stability ball can be used as a work-out bench that will challenge your core to achieve balance, while you perform upper body exercises. There are a lot of abdominal exercises you can do on it as well. There are many fun exercise DVDs that tailor to individual interests (like ballroom dance, Zumba, or classic aerobics) that you can pop in and do at home, no equipment required! The internet can also be your friend, and you can look up demo videos on YouTube and create your own equipment-free routine.
Make the outdoors your gym: With the beautiful summer weather on its way, who doesn’t want to soak up the sun and fresh air while engaging in fun outdoor activities. There are beach volleyball leagues, weekly run series at local parks, and softball teams that meet throughout the summer that you can join. Events like this are great because they are scheduled, involve a lot of people who can hold you accountable, and they are a fun place to meet new friends who are also making a commitment to being active. Get the family involved too by devoting one night a week to an activity like roller blading, biking, swimming in the pool, or even just taking a walk together to catch up on how everyone is doing.
Small steps equal big changes: There will always be those days when you really just can’t find a large chunk of time to devote to exercise, but that’s OK. There are still ways to integrate movement into your day. One way is to park farther away from buildings when you park your car so you have a longer walk between your car and the destination. Another way is to always take the stairs instead of the elevator. You can take a walk on your lunch break instead of staying in your office, or you can replace your desk chair with a stability ball and keep your core engaged while you work. Yes, you might look a little strange to your co-workers at first, but when they see your tightened tummy, they will want to ditch their office chairs as well.
Exercise should be something you enjoy and look forward to. It should relieve stress and make you feel good about your body. These tips are meant to integrate exercise into your life, without having to alter it completely.
What are some ways you fit exercise into your life?

This is a nice post.It has a good tips here. Thank you for sharing.
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