Kick off the First Day of Summer with a Smoothie

Did you know that June 21st is the first official day of summer? There is no better way to kick off the first day of summer than with a nice, cold, refreshing smoothie. On June 21st not only is it the start of a great season but it’s also National Smoothie Day!


Celebrate the day by mixing up your favorite fruits, vegetables, and other goodies to create the perfect summer smoothie. You can also step outside your comfort zone and try a new smoothie combination.

Now, who doesn’t love a smoothie?! They are versatile, can be enjoyed any time of the day, provide you with loads of important nutrients like antioxidants, fiber, and calcium, and even help cool you off on a hot summer day, the benefits are endless!


5 Health Benefits to Including Smoothies into Your Summertime Routine


Depending on what you mix up in your smoothies this summer, there can also be loads of health and nutrition benefits. Here are 5 health benefits of smoothies:


1. Helps you stay full for longer. Smoothies are packed with lots of fruits and vegetables which means lots of fiber! Fiber is an important nutrient that not only aids in your digestion but also can help you stay full all day long. Try having a smoothie for breakfast or as an in-between meal snack to help keep you full and energized throughout your day.


2. Excellent source of antioxidants. A wide variety of antioxidants can be found in fruits and vegetables that help prevent disease. Since smoothies are made up primarily of fruits and vegetables, this makes them a prime source!


3. Boosts brainpower. Smoothies that are packed with omega-3 can increase brain power and boost memory. Try adding in fruits, vegetables, and superfoods with high amounts of omega-3 for an extra brain boost throughout the day! (Tip: Omega-3 can be found in coconut, coconut milk, and flax seeds).


4. Prevents dehydration. On a hot summer day, what better way to cool off than with a refreshing smoothie! Certain fruits and vegetables have a “high water content” which can help aid in cooling you down and preventing dehydration. Fruits like melon, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, and peaches are loaded with water, making it a perfect addition to a summertime smoothie!


5. Enhance immunity. No one wants to be sick during the summer months. What better way to fight off pathogens and prevent sickness than with a smoothie! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients like Vitamin C and beta-carotene that can help build your immune system and prevent you from being sick. Try adding in fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C like citrus fruits- oranges, grapefruit, and lemon, or blueberries, apples, and pears.


4 Tips on to Making a Summertime Smoothie That Packs A Nutritional Punch


If you’re stuck on how to make a nutritious smoothie this summer look no further. Here are 4 tips on how to make a summertime smoothie that packs a nutritious punch:


  • Remember: Always add in a protein source to help elevate your smoothies. Adding in a protein source will make the smoothie well-balanced and keep you full for longer. Try adding in a protein powder of your choice, Greek yogurt, or low-fat milk.


  • If you’re looking to add more greens into your diet, add in a handful of spinach, kale, or other dark green leafy vegetables to your smoothie. This is a great way to sneak in your veggies without even noticing it. (Tip: blend the greens and liquid first before adding in your other ingredients)


  • Don’t forget your superfoods! Smoothies are a great place to also sneak in excellent superfoods like chia seeds, flax seeds, cocoa nibs, and hemp seeds. Sprinkle them into your smoothie or on top for added texture, flavor, and lots of nutritional benefits!


  • Try to use unsweetened or plain non-dairy milk and yogurt. Using flavored non-dairy milk or yogurt can be loaded with added sugars. Opt for the unsweetened options to prevent adding too much sugar into your smoothies! (Don’t worry about the flavor– the fruits in the smoothie will make it the perfect amount of sweetness!)


It’s time to grab your blenders, ice, and all those fruits and veggies! Start your summer off on the right foot with a refreshing and nutritious smoothie. Try some of these tips to elevate your smoothie recipes this summer and don’t be afraid to get adventurous in the kitchen with unique summer smoothie combinations. Happy blending!


Your Turn to Action: What is your favorite smoothie recipe? Let me know in the comments below.

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