National Caffeine Awareness Month: More Is Not Always Better

What’s warm, could be slightly bitter, and is a necessity for most every morning? If you guessed coffee or tea, you’re right! That morning cup of coffee or afternoon tea seems to be the one thing that many can’t live without most days. It keeps you energized, free of the AM or PM slump, and keeps your central nervous system stimulated all with the help of caffeine.


Caffeine is the hot topic for March during National Caffeine Awareness Month! This month is dedicated to raising awareness on how much caffeine you are consuming and understanding the health effects caffeine can have on the body.


As you walk through your grocery store aisles and even at the checkout line, you see that caffeine is around you more than ever before, from coffee, tea, and energy drinks, to smoothies, energy shots, and protein bars. Caffeine can be found in almost anything you eat these days!


Effects Excessive Caffeine Consumption Can Have


But more is not always better when it comes to consuming caffeine. Believe it or not, the more caffeine you consume the more immune you become to its energizing and stimulating effects. This can lead to you needing more and more down the line to feel those effects, which can be very damaging to your body. It’s important to listen to your body when consuming caffeine and watch out for signs of too much caffeine:


  1. Increased blood pressure. Caffeine has been shown to raise blood pressure due to its stimulatory effect on the central nervous system. Elevated blood pressure can cause damage to your arteries over time, leading to restricted blood flow to the heart and brain.


  1. Decreased sleep time. Caffeine can trigger the “fight or flight” hormone known as adrenaline. Adrenaline is associated with increased energy and alertness. Therefore, when caffeine is consumed in excess throughout the day or right before going to sleep, this can lead to decreased sleep time (aka insomnia) since adrenaline is flowing through your body.


  1. Digestive issues. Caffeine has a laxative effect which can aid in regulating bowel movements. However, too much caffeine can lead to overstimulating of the bowels causing loose stools or even diarrhea.


  1. Headaches. Caffeine can increase urination which can lead to dehydration if not supplemented with the proper amount of water. If not careful, too much caffeine can lead to serious dehydration which then leads to feelings of fatigue and most commonly- headaches. Tip: Always hydrate before you caffeinate!


  1. Increased anxiety. Caffeine can block the chemical adenosine, which causes you to feel tired. While on the other hand, caffeinealso can trigger the release of adrenaline, which as previously mentioned increases energy and alertness. Too much caffeine leads to high doses of adrenaline being released in the body which leads to feelings of increased anxiety and nervousness.


Caffeine-Free Alternatives 


Now you may be wondering, how much is too much caffeine? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that up to three to five 8-oz cups per day or up to 400 mg of caffeine per day can be incorporated as a part of a healthy lifestyle. However, caffeine affects every person very differently. Some people can handle loads of caffeine with no problem, while others are impacted greatly even by the smallest amount of caffeine. As mentioned before, it is always best to trust your gut and listen to your body. Don’t reach for another cup of coffee just because the recommendation suggests it!


If caffeine doesn’t agree with you or you’re looking to cut back on your caffeine consumption during March, there are many alternatives! If you’re looking for that morning coffee or afternoon tea without all the side effects of caffeine- look no further. Here are five caffeine-free alternatives to try this March:


  • Peppermint tea. A refreshing twist on a classic tea! Peppermint tea is useful in calming an upset stomach! Try growing a peppermint plant to use in your next hot cup of tea or add in some peppermint essential oil for a nice boost of energy!


  • Nuts. A perfect balance of protein, carbs, and fat, which is everything you need to get a great boost of energy! The balance of nutrients found in nuts has been shown to improve cognition and keep you feeling sharp all day long. Try snacking on nuts when you need a “caffeine-free” boost!


  • Maca. Maca has been used for centuries as a popular way to support adrenal function and help enhance mental focus without that “caffeine crash”. Try adding maca powder to smoothies or make it with your favorite plant-based milk for a great morning pick-me-up.


  • Chicory root “coffee”. A great alternative to a morning cup of coffee! Chicory root is a part of the dandelion family and is known for its energizing, coffee-like effects (minus the caffeine) for years. Try chicory root as a replacement for that morning cup of coffee with your choice of milk and sweetener.


  • Berries. When you’re in that mid-day slump, you need energy fast! Instead of reaching for that cup of coffee or tea, opt for a naturally sweet, nutrient-dense food like berries. Berries are loaded with fiber which will give you a great boost of energy that lasts you all day. Add berries to a smoothie or add them on top of yogurt for a great snack!


During March, take stock of just how much caffeine you are consuming! Be sure to listen to your body when it’s had enough caffeine and be aware of the health impacts of too much caffeine can have. Try out some of these caffeine-free alternatives if you need that extra energy boost!


Your Turn to Take Action: What is your favorite caffeine-free alternative? Let me know in the comments below.

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