New Year, New Beginnings

Here we are again, embarking on a New Year.  While many people focus on resolutions, they tend to be short-lived and you end up with disappointing results.  A New Year means new beginnings and it can be the perfect time to start setting short-term goals that will be attainable.  Goal-setting will only be successful if you have a positive attitude and you are ready for the change.  My staff and I are here to encourage you and to inspire change, along with a new outlook for the year ahead!

One of my goals for 2013 is to help many more chronic dieters get off the diet roller coaster   It’s an amazing feeling when someone who has dieted for years can finally say “I will never diet again!”  I know if you are a dieter, this is something that seems scary.  But learning to trust your body again will free you forever and I hope to get my message out to many more people.

Personally, I will work hard this year to spend more time with my family.  The kids are growing up so fast and I don’t want to miss these special years.  I will incorporate family and homework time with my daughter into my days, every day!

I asked my office staff to share some of their goals with you.  Read on to get inspired.


Carolyn- The most important goal I have for myself for the upcoming year is to stay positive and have a healthy mind.  I believe that keeping an optimistic attitude can affect everything else going on, and being able to take the time to keep my mind healthy will in turn keep my body healthy.  I will set aside an hour a day to reflect on any issues I may be having and try to work them out.  Whether I use this time reading, meditating, or exercising will be up to me to decide on a daily basis.

Kaitlin- My new year’s goal is to keep doing well in school and studying hard as I am graduating with my Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics in May!  Since I have a busy schedule, I plan to stay on the healthy track and still make time for exercise!  I have run half marathons, and in May I will be running my first full marathon (26.2 miles), so I will continue to make plenty of time for training! It is nice to just go for a morning run to stay focused and refreshed for the day ahead.

Alanna- My most important New Year’s goal is to become closer to my sister and try and be there for her as much as I can.  She’s going through a lot of tough changes in her life right now and I haven’t been giving her as much support as I should be.  I really want to make time to focus on getting back the close relationship we used to have.

Alyssa– My New Year’s goal is to make sure to incorporate “ME” time by taking time a few nights a week to work out and every 4-6 weeks to treat myself to a relaxing treatment such as a massage or hair treatment.  My second objective is to set goals and get them done; to make lists and set priorities to increase productivity.

Shelbi– My goal this year is to be less concerned with other people’s opinions, and focus more on the things that I want and feel are right for my life.  I am a “people pleaser” and I need to learn to stand up for myself and take time for myself in 2013!

While any day of the year is perfect for setting a new goal, the first day of the year feels worthy because you start off with a clean slate and a great, new feeling.  As long as you stay confident with the goals you set for yourself, you can accomplish anything!

Happy New Year!

What are you planning to achieve in 2013?  Please share!

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