Raise Your Spoon to Celebrate Ice Cream Day!

Ice cream in cup in handDecember 13th is Ice Cream Day! It seems only natural to recognize and enjoy the delicious, frozen, creamy sweet extravagance.   Through all the holiday madness, take the time to sit back and relax after dinner and enjoy the frozen delight.  Although most varieties of ice cream contain sugar and are high in fat, there are other alternatives to satisfy those taste buds without actually consuming a large amount of sugar or fat.  I will give you some advice on how to enjoy Ice Cream Day mindfully, and healthfully.


Of course, there are times when you may not want a lower fat, healthier alternative to your favorite brand name, full fat Rocky Road flavored ice cream.  In times like this, it’s all about portion control! It is okay to enjoy a bowl of real ice cream, just be mindful.  Note that a serving of ice cream is about a half cup.  Portion out a half cup into a bowl.  Eating out of a container or piling a huge amount into a large bowl will only set you up to over indulge and may make you feel the effects later on.  Using a smaller bowl will help make the serving size look more appealing and therefore more satisfying.  If you think you just won’t be able to resist, try purchasing a single serving of the flavor to help with portion control.


In this day in age there are so many healthier alternatives to real, full fat ice cream. These options do a great job in satisfying your sweet tooth.  For example, your favorite store bought ice cream brands now make low fat, low sugar, and sugar free options.  Frozen yogurt is another option which is lower in fat.  There are even dairy free and high protein choices available.


If you are weary about the ingredients in alternative options, why not make your own homemade ice cream?  Don’t worry! It is definitely not as complicated as it may seem.  There are so many ways to make knock off ice cream using wholesome and healthy ingredients.  For example, you can purchase some 0% fat Greek yogurts as the base.  Simply blend it with unsweetened cocoa.  After blending, add 1 Tablespoon of dark chocolate chips and freeze. You will be delighted when you try the frozen treat you have created! Instead of using unsweetened cocoa, you can use vanilla extract if you want it vanilla flavored.  Add a combination of fruit, nuts, and natural nut butters to really incorporate a diversity in flavors!


As I was searching the internet for other great ice cream suggestions I came across a one ingredient homemade ice cream idea. Freeze a banana until solid and then blend in a blender or food processor until creamy. What an idea! Enjoy it right then, or put it into a container and freeze for another time.


Push pop molds can be bought at local grocery stores.  Instead of putting your healthy homemade ice cream in a bowl to freeze, put it in a push pop mold!  This is a great way to be mindful and kid friendly at the same time.


So raise your spoon to Ice Cream Day! Curb that sweet tooth with a creamy, satisfying and healthy alternative that will be sure to please your friends and family.


Your Turn to Take Action: How will you celebrate Ice Cream Day?



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