Can you believe the time for turkey has already arrived? It’s that wonderful season when families come together, and the aroma of delicious feasts fills the air. So, gather your loved ones close, set the table with care, and grab a fork because it’s Thanksgiving. In the days leading up to Thursday, the anticipation…
Nourishing Lives: Empowering Health during National Diabetes Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that nearly 37.3 million children and adults in America are currently navigating life with diabetes? And that’s not all – an additional 96 million people have pre-diabetes, putting them at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. It’s a staggering number that underscores the urgency of understanding and managing this condition. Type…
Craving Something Sweet? It’s Sweet Potato Awareness Month!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Move over pumpkin because sweet potatoes are now the star of the show! Not only are sweet potatoes delicious, but they are packed with nutrients. Learn about these orange root vegetables for Sweet Potato Awareness Month this November. Sweet potatoes are a dinner staple this time of year. What makes this vegetable so popular…
Transforming Turkey Day (and Tasty Leftover Ideas)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that over 700 million pounds of turkey are eaten on Thanksgiving? That is a whole lot of turkey. While turkey is the star of most Thanksgiving dinners, there are of course all the wonderful side dishes including mashed potatoes, yams, cranberry sauce – the list can go on and on. There is…
Raising Awareness for American Diabetes Month (And Healthy Eating Tips!)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that 1 out of 10 Americans have diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body processes glucose, resulting in too much sugar in the blood. Prediabetes is affects 1 in 3 Americans and is characterized by impaired glucose tolerance. Prediabetes can eventually develop into type 2 diabetes. …
Get Creative with These Thanksgiving Leftover Makeovers!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Can you believe that the holiday season is already here! Thanksgiving is just a few days away, which means that it’s time for cooking, celebrating, and enjoying time with family and friends. If you’re like me, you enjoy the holiday but not so much the clean-up afterward. You may also find yourself asking what…
Celebrating the Turkey (and Creative Ideas for the Leftovers)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It’s that time of year again! Pumpkin pie, autumn colors, family dinners, and the most iconic of all, turkey! No matter what side dishes, stuffings, or desserts your family prefers, turkey is and has always been, the star of the Thanksgiving dinner table. Whether this is because the pilgrims ate turkey at the very…
Take a Hike! It’s National Take a Hike Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The United States has 63 National parks, which means that there are at least 63 beautiful places in America to explore! What makes America such a beautiful country is its diverse landscape, there is a trail out there for everyone. Even if you are not an avid hiker, you can still enjoy National Take a…
There’s Something Special About Sweet Potatoes
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know there are hundreds of varieties of sweet potatoes? This unique starchy vegetable is a common staple at most Thanksgiving tables, but sweet potatoes should be celebrated year-round for their delicious and hearty taste. The month of November is Sweet Potato Awareness Month! As the holiday season approaches, it’s a great time…
Diving Deep into Diabetes for American Diabetes Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that there are over 34 million people in the United States with diabetes? Odds are you know someone who has this disease. However, according to the CDC, a staggering 1 in 5 people are not aware that they have diabetes. That is why acknowledging National Diabetes Education Week is so critical, to…
Turning Thanksgiving Leftovers into Planned-Overs (5 Recipe Ideas)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Can you believe that Thanksgiving has come and gone so quickly? If you are like me, I still cooked up a storm even though it was just me, my husband and one of my daughters. What about you? Do you have a frig full of leftovers that you don’t know what to do with?…
Celebrating Thanksgiving: Tips on Turkey, Eating Intuitively, and Staying Safe
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Many states are seeing COVID-19 cases on the rise with new restrictions on the number of people allowed to gather together. Thanksgiving this year will look and feel different however, there are still many safe ways that you can celebrate this festive holiday without compromising tradition. And even though Thanksgiving gatherings will be smaller,…
Put Some Pep In Your Step on November 23rd: It’s National Espresso Day!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that espresso originated in Italy over 100 years ago? Today, espresso is utilized and enjoyed throughout many local cafes, chain coffee houses, and even in your own home! Whether you like it brewed hot or served over ice, on November 23rd grab your favorite coffee mug and let’s toast to National Espresso…
Life’s Sweeter with Sweet Potatoes (Plus a Tasty Recipe!)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that sweet potatoes and yams are two different vegetables? Although some people use these vegetables interchangeably, they are botanically quite different! Celebrate this root vegetable all November long for Sweet Potato Awareness Month. Sweet potatoes are a delectably sweet, starchy vegetable that can be found in white, orange, and purple varieties….
Go Nuts for National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month (and 5 PB Recipes)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It takes 540 peanuts to make one jar of peanut butter! Peanut butter is made from dry roasted peanuts that are ground into a paste-like consistency. Celebrate this popular food, that has been enjoyed for decades, all November long for National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month. Peanut butter is not only tasty, it is full…
Dare to Be Bold: Cook Something Bold Day on November 8th!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Do you find yourself uninspired in the kitchen these days? Are you looking for new ways to spice up your mealtimes? You’re in luck because November 8th is National Cook Something Bold Day! This day is designed to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and cook something new, bold, and daring. Grab…
Celebrate National Fig Week this November – Plus 3 Delicious Recipes
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that figs naturally hold in moisture, keeping foods they are in fresher for longer? November 1st starts National Fig Week. This incredibly unique fruit is small and delicate, but do not let their size and exterior fool you, they are decadent and loaded with nutrition! Figs are grown on trees, and…
Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Thanksgiving is hands down one of my favorite holidays. I love having the whole family in one place and a table full of good food. It is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season! However, I do know that with the joy of Thanksgiving comes the stress. Usually the stress comes from…
December Monthly Morsels
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Share a Pear This December, celebrate more than just the holidays, celebrate National Pear Month! Pears are the apples cousin- slightly different but equally delicious. Juicy pears provide so many health benefits and “pear” well with so many different foods. There are roughly 3000 varieties of pears grown worldwide. They come in made different…
Poached Pears in Cranberry Juice
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Pears are a great dessert fruit that can be cooked to bring out it’s natural flavors and aromas. The cinnamon, nutmeg and almond extract pair perfectly with the distinct sweet pear flavor. This recipe can be served as its own dessert or alongside pie or cake.

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