Take a Hike! It’s National Take a Hike Day

The United States has 63 National parks, which means that there are at least 63 beautiful places in America to explore! What makes America such a beautiful country is its diverse landscape, there is a trail out there for everyone. Even if you are not an avid hiker, you can still enjoy National Take a Hike Day this November 17th.


Before you hit the trail, it is important to speak with your physician about your physical activity capacity. Once you obtain the all-clear, do some research to find which trail works for your skill level. Even if you choose a trail that is designated as “easy”, your body is still reaping health benefits. There are numerous health benefits associated with hiking.


Now that you know where you are going to go, it’s time to decide what you are going to bring. Aside from the necessary equipment like boots and water, you’re going to need to pack some “fuel.” Always be sure to have some sort of food available to keep you powered on your journey!


Get Your Body Moving


Hiking, especially uphill, can get your heart rate going, which means that it is a physical activity. Exercise is linked to a myriad of health benefits, here are just a few:


  • Improved Sleep: Exercising during the day can help you to fall asleep faster and for a longer duration.


  • Decreased Stress: Some research has shown that being outside in green spaces can help to reduce stress levels. Hiking may even bring a calming sense of peace!


  • Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: Raising your heart rate gets your heart working, strengthening it. This can help lower your bad cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure. This, in turn, helps lower your risk for heart disease.


  • Strengthening: Regular weight-bearing exercises like running or lifting weights helps your body build bone density and strengthen your muscles.


Fueling Up


When you decide on a trail, try to look up how long it is predicted to take so that you have a better idea of how much food you need to bring. You may need to pack actual meals or perhaps just a handful of snacks. While you can always buy a protein bar at the gas station on your way to the trail, you can save money by making some snacks at home. Here are some of my favorite snacks to bring:


  • Trail Mix: A classic snack to bring for a reason. With trail mix, you can add any combination of goodies that you like such as dark chocolate, nuts, and cereal. Just be sure to include at least two different food groups for this snack.


  • Jerky: Believe it or not, you can make jerky at home, and it doesn’t even have to be made with meat. There are hundreds of recipes online, just decide on the food you want to use as a base, and there is a recipe out there.


  • Dried Fruit: Drying out fruit can help reduce space while still giving you the caloric boost you need to keep you going. You can use your oven at a low temperature to help dry out your favorite fruit.


  • Peanut Butter Bites: While you can use any nut butter you like as a base; peanut butter is an inexpensive and popular choice. Combine peanut butter, oats, and whatever other ingredients you like for a snack full of healthy fat and protein.


Now that you have your route picked out and your “fuel” packed, you are ready to hit the trail. If you are hiking alone, always be sure to let someone know where you are going before heading out. And remember to have fun!


Your Turn to Action: What is your favorite snack to bring hiking? Let me know in the comments below.

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