The Problem with Traditional Diabetes Programs (and 3 Ways to Get Started on the Weight-Neutral Path)
What do you do when you’re told to lose weight, yet again, to manage your diabetes? Do you go on another diet when in your heart-of-hearts, you know that diets don’t work?
Many would tell you “yes, at least you’ll lower your blood sugars”. But they fail to acknowledge that once that weight is regained (and it is for the majority of dieters), your blood sugars can go right back up.
As someone with diabetes, this is probably a hard pill for you to swallow. You probably feel like you are running in circles and you don’t know where to turn. This is a challenging conundrum to be in. But there is a solution.
It’s called weight-neutral diabetes management.
A weight-neutral approach focuses on the factors you can change such as your habits, behaviors and thoughts which ultimately lead to improved well-being, including blood sugars, regardless of body weight. Note the word can – this is because you don’t have “control” over your body weight (as much as diet culture tells you that you can) but you do have the ability to change your behaviors.
This approach brings a sense of relief to people with diabetes who are also chronic dieters. The push for weight loss is taken off the table and instead, you learn how your body works, what influences your blood sugars, and how to best manage your diabetes through food choices, movement, proper sleep, and stress management to name a few.
How do you get started?
Here’s 3 steps you can take right now:
- Find a HAES Physician/Practitioner: This is easier said than done, I agree. But do your research and interview prospective doctors. Ask questions such as “Are you familiar with Health at Every Size?” and “how do you treat a person with diabetes that’s in a smaller body?”. Check out the HAES directory at to locate a HAES practitioner near you.
- Commit to Stop Dieting: This doesn’t mean eat without thinking. That’s a misconception of a lot of people when they hear the recommendation to stop dieting. On the contrary, not dieting means you aren’t following arbitrary rules of when, what and how much to eat. Instead you are learning to tune inward and asking yourself questions such as “am I hungry now”, “how do I feel after eating this food”, “how did my blood sugar respond to this meal” etc.
- Seek Support While on Your Journey: You are not to blame for your diabetes. While the all-to-common message you hear about who is at risk for developing diabetes has you now believing “if I was only more active, ate right, didn’t gain weight, I wouldn’t have developed diabetes”, please know that diabetes is not your fault. You were genetically predisposed to diabetes and something triggered this to activate. You have the power within you to manage it and live a long fulfilling life. Many times, this requires support so don’t hesitate to reach out to a Certified Diabetes Educator who is HAES aligned to support you on your journey.
Learn more:
Download a free eBook, 5 Keys to Manage Diabetes Without Dieting by clicking HERE.

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